The episode begins with Michael tricking Pam and Jim and Angela and Andy into attending a dinner party at the condo he shares with Jan (man I miss her!). Once at the condo Pam and Jim find out that dinner will not be served until much later on in the evening (Is dinner too much to ask for, at a dinner party?)
They occupy their time by taking a tour of the condo, complete with a giant mural of Jan’s face and her candle making room. When Andy and Angela arrive the group participates in a hilarious round of charades.
Jan plays her favorite cd of her old assistant Hunter for the group, which makes for my favorite moment in Office history. Jan sensually dances to her assitant's song while the rest of the group sits awkwardly waiting for it to be over. Jim's face when Jan tries to get him to dance is completely priceless!

Eventually Dwight shows up with his babysitter (don't worry the relationship is purely carnal...) and they finally have dinner. Jan and Michael fight about decor and cleanliness and Jan ends up throwing a Dundy at Michael's plasma screen tv.

This crazy episode ends with a montage of the couples in different locations with Hunter's song playing in the background.
So wrong, so right, all night, all right, oh ya...
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